dimecres, 27 de febrer del 2013

Can you tell beef from horse?

The news says that in UK horse meat is inusual to eat, but there is a restaurant where serve it to the consumers and there are people who goes to the restaurant usually.

The journalist raises the question that if we eat horse meat or we may try.

In my opinion the horse meat should not be permitted because this animal like dogs or cats... is considerated a pet for to many people in the world.

In Spain actually have been tests and has demonstrated that meat that is buy on the market often get horse meat and we don't know it. In Spain when people has integer of this news the government has decided remove it from the market although the sale isn't prohibited.

In conclusion, I think that heardly anyone would eat horse meat.

Journalist: periodista.

Consumers: consumidors.

Government: govern.

What happened at Oscar Pistorius 'home ?

In 14 of February the famous athlete Oscar Pistorius who lacks the legs but also runs, supposedly killed his wife in their hous in South Africa.

At trial he ensures undoubtedly that he isn'y guilty and he didn't kill his wife. His family were presented to the trial as witnesses and they say that he can't be done it because he is incapable of killing anyone. But they weren't at the crime scene and their opinion probably not help to Pistorius.

In my view is guilty because he isn't severely affected by the death of his wife, and was the only person who was in the house that day with his wife. Finally I think that sure someone heard the shots that day because around the house there are more houses and neighbors.

Neighbors: veins.

Guilty: culpable.

Crime: crim.

dissabte, 23 de febrer del 2013

I'll end up living under a bridge

Since 2006 in Spain there are an economic crisis which affects almost all the population. Most of the people who before could be considered that living well at the moment this population leving on the streets or don't have money for pay the food.

In this news of this video we can see the real life of the people in Spain and how can worsen, because this country is in a process of recession and it only get worse.

Many people do in the most important cities of Spain manifestations to protest for their rights and for the people who don't know how to govern and bring the state, because this governors only do things for the wealthier population and not for the people who really need it.

In definetlly, the poblation of Spain are really affected  by the crisis as seen in this video.


unemployment: desocupació.

expenses: despeses.

activists: activistes.

The animals of Santa Maria's church

I think that I could do this project more well. First, I could put more informetion of the church and the simbolism of the animals, but I don't have more time for do it.

The power point of the english presentation is did with  the original project in catalan, but I think that I could do this power more well because I use a wrong vocabulary, and in the lenguage of the presentation I don't have too much fluency.

Finally, after presentation I consider that my final note should have been a 6.