In Azerbaijan staged a demonstration in March 2013 were police used forcé to disperse them. The demonstrators were arrested and imprisioned or released some. Human Rights Watch said that they had free the imprisioned and suspended judgments.
The government of this country hasn't shame and not release the revolutionaries. But the Europeans were forced to release people, and opened an investigation in the actions of police.
A few days were demonstrations calling for the human right of assembly. In Catalonia violated human right recently when people met to reclaim the smooth running of the country and asked that they meet the standards.
dimarts, 26 de març del 2013
Unnecessary Police Force at Peaceful Protests
Human Rights
Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religión, language, or any aother status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.
- This human right:
Article 11.
• (1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
• (2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.
Because I think that the punishment mustn't be equal, and should be higher than he did.
- This human right is respected for example when someone breaks something public and is forced to clean it.
- This human right isn't respected when someone kills one person and the punishment is the jail, because it is less.
- Why were they created?
- How many human rights are there?
- Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.
- This human right:
Article 11.
• (1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
• (2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.
Because I think that the punishment mustn't be equal, and should be higher than he did.
- This human right is respected for example when someone breaks something public and is forced to clean it.
- This human right isn't respected when someone kills one person and the punishment is the jail, because it is less.
diumenge, 3 de març del 2013
Comments on other blogs
divendres, 1 de març del 2013
Britney Spears
Britney Spears is my favourite singer since I was a child. This singer was very successfull, but was a period of her life taking drugs and bringing a bad life. This stage of his life didn't allow him to have his children under her orders.
These problems solved quickly, and then she continued with her career. Britney during her singing career has many good musiques that have been very successfull and never will be forgeten.
In definetlly, Britney Spears is a singer who left signal and will left signal in music history, because her music is unforgettable like many other famous singers.
(This is the video of her latest work)
Study skills
All students have different ways of study. These techniques may be, went very well for some people but for others may not be effective.
There are people who takea a long time to find the best way, but there are people who from the first time as they began to study did using his best technique.
Many students make schemes wich is then used to study. Also there are students who don't need any scheme or summary and study directly reading the book or the notes. Finally, there are people who probably don't need study because being attentive in class are able to memorize the teacher's explanations.
Finally, the technique that I feel better is pay attention at the most of the things that the teachers says, and then I need to study, but I do it directly from the book, because the summaryes and the schemes I don't serve and I lost time of the study doing that.
There are people who takea a long time to find the best way, but there are people who from the first time as they began to study did using his best technique.
Many students make schemes wich is then used to study. Also there are students who don't need any scheme or summary and study directly reading the book or the notes. Finally, there are people who probably don't need study because being attentive in class are able to memorize the teacher's explanations.
Finally, the technique that I feel better is pay attention at the most of the things that the teachers says, and then I need to study, but I do it directly from the book, because the summaryes and the schemes I don't serve and I lost time of the study doing that.
Healthy life
For bring a healthy life, the first thing to do is eat a variety of foods, because eat too much or too little of one type of food we may end hurting. Symptoms of poor nutrition can be varied: fatigue, not be surrendered, dizziness...
The second thing that we must to do is doing sport, because when we practice some kind of sport we feel more comfortable and gives us energy. In addition do sport help us born calories faster, that our body doesn't need.
In conclusion, if we don't live a heathy life we will be much worse than a same person who live a healthy life and is much better psychologically and physically.
The second thing that we must to do is doing sport, because when we practice some kind of sport we feel more comfortable and gives us energy. In addition do sport help us born calories faster, that our body doesn't need.
In conclusion, if we don't live a heathy life we will be much worse than a same person who live a healthy life and is much better psychologically and physically.
Summer or Winter
There are many different opinions in this topic, because everyone has different tastes.
First, there are people who prefer winter. These people usually choose this option for the hot time. They say that in winter you can cover you if you're cold, but in summer, if you heat it and you can't take off more clothes, there isn't solution.
Second, people who think that is better summer are disagree with others. They believe that in winter you always have to wear clothes and weight on, and if you have heat in summer you can swim in the pool or on the beach, and in winter you can't do it.
In my view, summer is better than winter. Because in the second season, the weather is always cold and black and you're more depressed, and in summer the weather usually is warm and bright, wich is better for me.
First, there are people who prefer winter. These people usually choose this option for the hot time. They say that in winter you can cover you if you're cold, but in summer, if you heat it and you can't take off more clothes, there isn't solution.
Second, people who think that is better summer are disagree with others. They believe that in winter you always have to wear clothes and weight on, and if you have heat in summer you can swim in the pool or on the beach, and in winter you can't do it.
In my view, summer is better than winter. Because in the second season, the weather is always cold and black and you're more depressed, and in summer the weather usually is warm and bright, wich is better for me.
Internet and its users can change the world for the better

There are people who think that internet only exists to do good things, but there are also epople who think the opposite and in their opinion internet only changes teh world for the worse.
I belong to the first group. In my view, internet can change the world with good information, but at the moment it can give bad information too. This happens because you don't often know who wrote the news we read.
Enough is enough: Say no to bullying

In this reports Anderson has included a video, where appears people who have suffered bullyng. In this video there are students who have suffered bullyng and parents of its victims.
The writer says that if we see someone who is being affected by this movement, we have to help them and tell : "Enough is enough !".
Finally, we can say that the only way to combat the bullyng is to oppose the aggressors or not to abandon or attack these people in the school or in the internet.
Educators: educadors.
Playground: pati d'esbarjo.
When the sun shines, Japanese women shave
In a interpretation of the poll by Dimsdrive was reaching the conclusion that most of the Japanese girls have large amounts of hair in their body.
Girls say that most of the hair, in addition to common areas, are in : the shoulder, in their feet, in toes and fingers and the neck.
According to the survery minority of girls shave for men, but most do it for themselves. And the survey of boys says that most of them don't care fall in love with a hairy woman, but there are guys who care this so much.
In summary, hair on women doesn't matter in Japan, but girls in summer have big problems to shave the hair.
Shave: afeitar.
Poll: enquesta.
Survey: estudi.
The hottest gadgets at world's biggest mobile technology show
This week in Barcelona opened the world's biggest mobile technology show where we can see many applications and new technological devices such as: Qualcomm, Nvidia, Sony Xperia tablet Z (watherproof), Safer, Ford Spotify, Firefox OS and the new Nokia 105.
This mobile technology show be heald each year until 2018. This show is too important for Barcelona, because attracts many visitors who bring benefits to the traders, and it gives fame to the city too.
In conclusion, this show not arm anyone but on the contrary this brings only advantages for the city and the innovators and inventors of new technologies.
Innovations: innovacions.
Processor: processador.
Commerce: comerç.
This mobile technology show be heald each year until 2018. This show is too important for Barcelona, because attracts many visitors who bring benefits to the traders, and it gives fame to the city too.
In conclusion, this show not arm anyone but on the contrary this brings only advantages for the city and the innovators and inventors of new technologies.

Innovations: innovacions.
Processor: processador.
Commerce: comerç.
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