1. http://thebaxilleratenglish-a.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/do-you-want-to-know-how-my-ideal-music.html?showComment=1353840976237
2. http://yousmiletotheday.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/blog-post_8193.html?showComment=1353842432549
3. http://englishjoan.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/girls-in-college.html?showComment=1353844845818
diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012
dissabte, 24 de novembre del 2012
The beginnings of the internet
dimarts, 20 de novembre del 2012
My future hobby
I would like in a few years to devote myself to design showcases, because I really like the interior design of stores.
To achieve this I will study interior design in Barcelona probably. I decided to study in Barcelona because
design can only be studied there, and I also studied jewelry and can only be studied in Barcelona too.
In conclusion, I think I'll end doing it but maybe later I change this idea and I'll do something else. However I am pretty sure that I'll end up studying design and dedicating myself to the showcases of stores.
To achieve this I will study interior design in Barcelona probably. I decided to study in Barcelona because
design can only be studied there, and I also studied jewelry and can only be studied in Barcelona too.
In conclusion, I think I'll end doing it but maybe later I change this idea and I'll do something else. However I am pretty sure that I'll end up studying design and dedicating myself to the showcases of stores.
Christmas decoration
At Christmas normally the people who have home especially decorate the outside but also inside with colored Christmas lights (red, green, white, purple ...), Christmas items ...
What must be present in these homes is the Christmas tree, also decorated with tinsel and colored lights. This is mainly hes because the kings and Santa Claus put gifts under it.
This tradition of decorating homes at Christmas time is mostly in the United States, but In Spain too. Here also decorate the streets to remember that is Christmas.
This continues doing because people like it and if it had'll miss it.
What must be present in these homes is the Christmas tree, also decorated with tinsel and colored lights. This is mainly hes because the kings and Santa Claus put gifts under it.
This tradition of decorating homes at Christmas time is mostly in the United States, but In Spain too. Here also decorate the streets to remember that is Christmas.
This continues doing because people like it and if it had'll miss it.
California is a federal state of the United States situated on the southwest coast of the country. It has a population of 38 million inhabitants and occupies an area of 410.000 Km2. California has become the most populous state in the United States and the third most largest.
California's economy is among the top 10 economic powers in the world. In California are located some of the economic cities in the world, such as Los Angeles, the Central Valley, Silicon Valley and Napa Valley.
California has alpine mountains, coasts cloudy, hot deserts, and a fertile central valley.
The official language is English, spoken at home by 60.5% of California's population. The Spanish is the second language in number of speakers, with 35.8% of the population.
Finally, California has some wonderful beaches, where you can enjoy many sports, but mostly surf.
California's economy is among the top 10 economic powers in the world. In California are located some of the economic cities in the world, such as Los Angeles, the Central Valley, Silicon Valley and Napa Valley.
California has alpine mountains, coasts cloudy, hot deserts, and a fertile central valley.
The official language is English, spoken at home by 60.5% of California's population. The Spanish is the second language in number of speakers, with 35.8% of the population.
Finally, California has some wonderful beaches, where you can enjoy many sports, but mostly surf.
dilluns, 19 de novembre del 2012
High marks: Uni students turn to ADHD drugs
The students now has been tested that the most take drugs or energy drinks to do better the studies.
This mainly occurs in students who are working, because missing the free hours without sleep. This hurts a lot because may suffer anxiety or depression.
The estimates say there are just under half of the students in the U.S. that take something that gives us power to control and be able to continue their studies. However calculations are not completely checked.
Personal opinion
I think that the students take drugs or energy drinks because can not endure sleepless, and I also believe that there are such things as the research work that the only harm they do is study other subjects and will take time.
The students now has been tested that the most take drugs or energy drinks to do better the studies.
This mainly occurs in students who are working, because missing the free hours without sleep. This hurts a lot because may suffer anxiety or depression.
The estimates say there are just under half of the students in the U.S. that take something that gives us power to control and be able to continue their studies. However calculations are not completely checked.
Personal opinion
I think that the students take drugs or energy drinks because can not endure sleepless, and I also believe that there are such things as the research work that the only harm they do is study other subjects and will take time.
- Fulltime: temps complet.
- Cracking: esquerdament.
- Lower: baixar.
American Music Awards
Last Sunday night in Los Angeles held the 40th annual American Music Awards Music. Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj and MC Hammer were among the stars performing.
The Canadian pop singer Carly Rae Jepsen was named artist of the year, beating boy band One Direction to pick up the award.
The night was very exciting and most of the artists sang their current songs.
Personal Opinion
In my view this awards are not fair because given it to the most listened singers and not really to worth it because make good music.
Last Sunday night in Los Angeles held the 40th annual American Music Awards Music. Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj and MC Hammer were among the stars performing.
The Canadian pop singer Carly Rae Jepsen was named artist of the year, beating boy band One Direction to pick up the award.
The night was very exciting and most of the artists sang their current songs.
Personal Opinion
In my view this awards are not fair because given it to the most listened singers and not really to worth it because make good music.
- Awards: premis.
- Highlights: reflexos.
- Performing: realització de...
Nose cell transplant enables paralysed dogs to walk
Scientists have discobered a substance wich can remove the paralysis of the legs behind some animals. This medicine could try and operate in humans if improves.
This substance tested more than 34 dogs and more than half them worked and at the moment they haven't any palsy and make normal life with the other dogs.
This medicine injected by the nasal passages and can do with vaccines or transplants.
One person verified this is true because he have checked with his dog and it worked.
Personal opinion
In my view I think that this medicine can be a great discobery because in the future might work in humans and eliminate completely the disease of paralysis.
Scientists have discobered a substance wich can remove the paralysis of the legs behind some animals. This medicine could try and operate in humans if improves.
This substance tested more than 34 dogs and more than half them worked and at the moment they haven't any palsy and make normal life with the other dogs.
This medicine injected by the nasal passages and can do with vaccines or transplants.
One person verified this is true because he have checked with his dog and it worked.
Personal opinion
In my view I think that this medicine can be a great discobery because in the future might work in humans and eliminate completely the disease of paralysis.
- Whizzes: genis.
- Bladder: bufeta.
- Enabled: habilitat.
Can you shape your children's taste in music?
The parents normally try and want that their children hear their music or they like the same things that to them.
But no old the childrens likes the same things that they, and normally is the opositte because the children today no have the same tastes that their parents or their grandparents. They don't like it, and do everything possible for change her childrens.
For it the parents bring their children to play the piano, or put the music they love in the car... but normally it no change the situation.
Personal opinion
On the one hand I think that the childrens have their tastes and their parents haven't to change it, but on the other hand I understand that the parents have illusion because their children resemble they.
The parents normally try and want that their children hear their music or they like the same things that to them.
But no old the childrens likes the same things that they, and normally is the opositte because the children today no have the same tastes that their parents or their grandparents. They don't like it, and do everything possible for change her childrens.
For it the parents bring their children to play the piano, or put the music they love in the car... but normally it no change the situation.
Personal opinion
On the one hand I think that the childrens have their tastes and their parents haven't to change it, but on the other hand I understand that the parents have illusion because their children resemble they.
- Fashionable: de moda.
- Reefs: esculls.
- Nonetheless: però.
Tatton Park grows first crop of pineapples in a century
In 19 of November was born the first pineapple agter 1675 in Tatton Park.
This day the mayor of the city reproduced the same moment that in 1675 the king Charles II being given the first pineapple to be grown on English soil.
This pineapple has taken a century for growing, but from now believed that born more than 300 fruits of these from this year.
Personal opinion
In my view this money that used for to grow this pineapples is very and could be used for more important things and no for growing a fruit that found in other countries without spending so much money.
In 19 of November was born the first pineapple agter 1675 in Tatton Park.
This day the mayor of the city reproduced the same moment that in 1675 the king Charles II being given the first pineapple to be grown on English soil.
This pineapple has taken a century for growing, but from now believed that born more than 300 fruits of these from this year.
Personal opinion
In my view this money that used for to grow this pineapples is very and could be used for more important things and no for growing a fruit that found in other countries without spending so much money.
- Gardener: jardiner.
- Councillor: regidor.
- Restored: restaurar.
Santa stuck by beard at Reading shopping centre
This news explains what happened on Saturday afternoon in Reading Shopping center, when a worker, that charge of distract customers disguised of Santa Claus, was hooked with the beard in the ceiling.
Personal opinion

He was hanged 30 minutes until customers leave the shopping center, but people don't want to leave and they take it down.
Santa Claus was controlled because were children watching him and he doesn't want to disappoint them. And finally there weren't injuries.
Personal opinion
I think that should have taken the people of the shop because could have injured , but also it was fun for the viewers.
I would have liked to see it.
- beard: barba.
- dangling: penjat.
- ceiling: sostre.
dimecres, 14 de novembre del 2012
diumenge, 4 de novembre del 2012
"Time is your enemy, It will steal everything away from you"

I think that this sentence it's false, because in my opinion it is the opposite of it. When leave the time you are more good person, and you can live more happily because you can remember your past and correct your past mistakes or repeat your past good moments and past adventures.
In my view time doesn't steal your life or everything from you, because it gives you more good moments and you can learn and know more.
In conclusion, this sentence for me is incorrect and the opposite of true.
dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012
Final reflection
I think that I improve in this year but not too much, in diference of the last year, because I learn english too lowly because the english subject is very dificult for me, but not only the english language but I have this problem in old lenguajes.
The activitie with I demonstrated most my improved I think it was the writings, because I think that I improve too much in the vocabulary, in reference to last year, and in reference to the begining of the course of Batxillerat.
The activitie witch I think that helped me much for improve my english is the oral exams such as the oral exam of the optional book and the oral presentations, because I think that when you speack more in english is when you learn much.
In this regard, I think too that in this english subject there are activities or thinks that we don't need because with an other thinks probably we learn more, for example I think that the activities of the lenguaje room if we don't take, we don't needs it. Because I think that insted of this activitie we aprofite the day for learn more the grammar of the exams, because is one of the thinks that we fail more in the exams and in the oral english.
Finally, the activitie that I have fun much is the moment of watch the presentations and learn new vocabulary with that, but I don't like doing the presentations, because I don't have old the vocabulary that I need for to do this.
The activitie with I demonstrated most my improved I think it was the writings, because I think that I improve too much in the vocabulary, in reference to last year, and in reference to the begining of the course of Batxillerat.
The activitie witch I think that helped me much for improve my english is the oral exams such as the oral exam of the optional book and the oral presentations, because I think that when you speack more in english is when you learn much.
In this regard, I think too that in this english subject there are activities or thinks that we don't need because with an other thinks probably we learn more, for example I think that the activities of the lenguaje room if we don't take, we don't needs it. Because I think that insted of this activitie we aprofite the day for learn more the grammar of the exams, because is one of the thinks that we fail more in the exams and in the oral english.
Finally, the activitie that I have fun much is the moment of watch the presentations and learn new vocabulary with that, but I don't like doing the presentations, because I don't have old the vocabulary that I need for to do this.
dilluns, 28 de maig del 2012
Home alone
Kevin McAllister is an eight year old member of a large family, is accidentally left at home when the family leaves for a holiday to France. Kevin learns to fend for himself, and even to protect Harry and Marv, two rogues proposed storm closed all houses in your neighborhood, as their mother missing, rushed back to Chicago to get his son.
While home alone, thieves try to steal but he manages to protect your home and your neighbor, that is thought to be crazy and kill people, but ends up being good, and helps when they are about to kidnap .
Finally, the family comes home for Christmas, and Kevin are in good condition. Time when leverage to celebrate Christmas Eve.
While home alone, thieves try to steal but he manages to protect your home and your neighbor, that is thought to be crazy and kill people, but ends up being good, and helps when they are about to kidnap .
Finally, the family comes home for Christmas, and Kevin are in good condition. Time when leverage to celebrate Christmas Eve.
-Hi Kate, how are you?
For how long have you been here?
-hello, Ashley
I’m fine, and you?
Yes, because my mum bring me soon, she have to go to work.
- I ‘m tired, this morning I went to run with my brother. Coming to get into line for catch the ticket of the film.
- what film go we to see?
- I want to see Sherlock Holmes, I like the mystery films. Want you to go see this movie?
- It’s great! I love the stories of Sherlock Holmes. I read all the novels of his.
- The other day I went to the cinema with my little brother and we went to see “home alone”. I though that this film will be bored but I laughed so much.
- oh, yes!!! I saw this film, It is very funny. The final this film reproduced a beautiful song of the new pop group.
-I didn’t notice in this song, went I return to see the film Iwill listen it. Sure that the song is beatifull, because I like the same music that you.
-Kate.. to look that is Daniel
Hi Daniel
- Hi Daniel
- Hello girls!!!
- What are you doing here?
- I going to my aunt's house.
- Ohh.. Today you stay with family!!!
- Mmm... more or less. I need some money because I go to camping the next weekend with my friends, and my aunt said me, I will care for my little cousin this night.
Well... and what are they doing here?
- Ashley and I have come to the cinema to watch a movie.
- Which movie will you watch?
- We will like to watch Sherlock Holmes.
-Ohh... I liked very much this movie.
- At the moment I can’t see this movie because I goes to my aunts house, but we can meet other day for see another film!
-OOOOh okey I like this poposition!
-yess , I like too.
-What time is it?
-Mmmm I don’t have a watch, Asley you have watch?
-Yes Yes, the nine o ‘clock!
-Shitttt ! It’s too late ! I will arrive late to my aunt’s house ! Ohhh my god, she killes me !
- By girls ! I will telephone you tomorrow ! Byeeee !
-Bye Dani !
-Bye Daniel ! meets tomorrow !
-Uaaa ! I have enter in the cinema !
-Ohhh yes I have enter too !
divendres, 25 de maig del 2012
This year I stayed doing Batxillerat and I have learned too much.
Before begining where difficult but I think that if you study and you strive finally you can aprove the exams.
Finally I where too much nervious and I thanck that I won't can aprove batxillerat but in the moment I aproveing old the subjects but in the moment I don't finally the clases and I will can suspended any of the exams, and change a lot my opinion.
I hope to aprove old the subjects, but at the moment I stay too much nervous because I don't look my future until I will finish the exams and the teachers will give me the notes of Batxillerat.
Before begining where difficult but I think that if you study and you strive finally you can aprove the exams.
Finally I where too much nervious and I thanck that I won't can aprove batxillerat but in the moment I aproveing old the subjects but in the moment I don't finally the clases and I will can suspended any of the exams, and change a lot my opinion.
I hope to aprove old the subjects, but at the moment I stay too much nervous because I don't look my future until I will finish the exams and the teachers will give me the notes of Batxillerat.
Elections in France
In the moment the president of France is Sarcosie bur probably the next president won't be this because the people of France don't think that this president is good for the state and elect an other person for this place.
Finally, last weak in France left Sarcosie of the place of president and caught the place an other politician, Holland.
This politician, can change the situation of France and maybe the situation of Europe, because France is the second best state of it and with have one of the bests economies of the potencies of Europe.
The platypus
The platypus measures 22 inches in length, and weighs just over 4 Kg. The length, from tip of bill to end of tail, of specimens collected by Dr. George Bennett, was 20 inches. Fur color varies, the fur darkens with age.
The make-up of the platypus is peculiar in many ways. The front portion of the upper mandible is soft, while the covering of the horny structure is very soft and of a rubbery texture. The platypus has tiny teeth at the back portion of the jaws.
Its webbed feet are furnished with claws, but only the front ones are used in burrowing. The claws of the hind-feet serve as a comb in fur grooming. The platypus, being a particularly clean little creature, spends much time over its toilet. Before retiring to its sleeping quarters, a duck-bill in a platypussary will comb most of the water from its fur. A ball and socket like hip joint enables it to reach any portion of the body with either hind foot; thus the middle of the back is groomed as easily as is the breast.
The male platypus has two sharp spurs inside the heels of the hind feet. They are hollow, not unlike the fangs of some snakes, and are connected to poison glands. It is difficult to judge the actual potency of platypus venom. There are cases on record where the effects have been trifling; while in other cases great pain and alarming swellings have resulted. The varying quantity of poison injected is probably the reason for such symptoms.
History of the telephone invention
The history of the invention of the telephone is quite interesting. Although Alexander Graham Bell actually created the model of the telephone, the invention of the telephone was based on many other inventions of famous scientists. Johann Philipp Reis, a German scientist, was the first to come up with the idea of the transmission of sound through electricity. He also built an apparatus that could transmit sound, which is known as the Reis Telephone. The apparatus had many shortcomings and was not developed further. Antonio Meucci, an Italian scientist, also made an early version of the telephone and demonstrated it in Havana. He even filed for a patent for his model. Even today, Meucci is credited with the invention of the telephone by many people.
Alexander Graham Bell initially wanted to invent a modified telegraph that could send multiple messages or signals at the same time. In 1875, while experimenting, Bell heard the sound of a clock through the wire, this inspired him and along with his assistant and electrician, Thomas A. Watson. He continued experimenting tirelessly to build an apparatus that could transmit sound. Finally, on 10th March, 1876, Bell spoke the first words through a telephone, "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you", and they were clearly heard on the other side.
Barça - Bilbao
This 25 of May the Futbol Club Barcelona and the Athletic Club de Bilbao plays the kings mach of Spain in the province of Madrid but not in the Real Madrid space because the politicians sayed that this two participants don't be Spanish, and finally the mach will celebrate in the Athletic Club de Madrid space.
When the people thank that the mach finally will celebrating in perfect conditions and there aren't more problems, the politician Esperanza Aguirre sayed that in this mach can't will stay spectadors because they insult the king of Spain in the mach and can't will heard the anthem of Spain when finish the competition.
But in finally, people win and the mach will can celebrteing in normal conditions but the athem of Spain will heard to much.
Castelldefels is my favourite place (where I stayed), at the moment. This city is in the province of Barcelona, twenty minutes from here, in the Baix Llobregat. In Castelldefels there are a lot of places where you can have fun and relax. Thre is a big shopping center named Ànec Blau, there is a beach and a port where you can have your boat or practice sailing or water sports, there are five high schools, there is a mountain where you can see a medieval castle.
I think the people in Castelldefels is very open because you can wear any clothes or you can think different of most people or you can believe in other culture different from the rest of the people and they don't say or think anything. The citiziens of this city are funny and optimistic people too.
Then, in Castelldefels you can practice many sports, bacause there are many different places where you can do it. You can practice water sports (windsurfing, surfing, kite, sailing, scuba diving... ), mountain sports (climbing, running,... ), and you can go by bicycle in the promenade of Las Palmeras.
Finally, near Castelldefels there are a lot of places where you can have, too. There is the village of Garraf where there are many beautiful beaches, there is Sitges is near Garraf, where is celebrating the cinema festival of Sitges, and there is Gava where you can go shopping in many different shopping centers.
I think the people in Castelldefels is very open because you can wear any clothes or you can think different of most people or you can believe in other culture different from the rest of the people and they don't say or think anything. The citiziens of this city are funny and optimistic people too.
Then, in Castelldefels you can practice many sports, bacause there are many different places where you can do it. You can practice water sports (windsurfing, surfing, kite, sailing, scuba diving... ), mountain sports (climbing, running,... ), and you can go by bicycle in the promenade of Las Palmeras.
Finally, near Castelldefels there are a lot of places where you can have, too. There is the village of Garraf where there are many beautiful beaches, there is Sitges is near Garraf, where is celebrating the cinema festival of Sitges, and there is Gava where you can go shopping in many different shopping centers.
In short, Castelldefels is the most beautiful and practical place for me, because there are a lot of things and places and you can practice many diferent sports and doing a lot of activities.
The football is practiceing in too many countries, and it have many spectadors who see it.
In football there are 22 players but only can play 11 in the match. It is practiceing with a ball and one person control the match and its procediment.
There are many positions in football but I stay in the soccer goalkeeper position, and I can catch the ball with my hands but only in a small area in front of the goal.
22 of May

This day this people went to the most important cityes and manifest her opinions.
I think that can't doing it, and for solve the problems there are other mesures and can't touch the education because is one of the most important thinks in the state.
In conclution, I think that this events can change to much thinks but don't change old the problems in Catalunya, because there are a lot of.
Trip to Almeria
My grandpharents live in one village named Uleila del Campo next to an other village called Sorbas. Those villages are in Almeria province. We stayed old the holidays in it's two villages and some days we went to the province for buy some food, because in Uleila there aren't any big supermarket.
We profite the moment for watch the Semana Santa in Sorbas because it's one of the most beautiful events of this village, and for meet with old friends of my mother and my aunt, because she did her holidays in Sorbas when she was a child.
I remember this days old my live, because I had fun too much, and I remembered many moments of when I was child, and went to my grandpharents house in Uleila.
Desert, Mountain, Sea
In the first history, the girl went to the desert of Australia and with her camels went around the desert and had very kilometers.
In the second history, the girl climbed the Anapurna mountain with 11 girls who she search in a news paper. They suffered very much, but finally they climbed old the mountain, but only climbed old the mountain 10 girls, because one of them is died during the travel.
The third history began when a girl decided went around the world sailing with her boat, and she met with many people in the adventure and finally she finished the travel.
dissabte, 3 de març del 2012
My mum

Neus is a good person, because she helps me very much in the difficult moments of my life. She is very funny, but in some moments she needs my help too, and we always end up laughing a lot.
She is a very sportive person, because she practise: windsurfing, surfing, and other water sports, because she loves the sea very much and its animals as well.
My mum has brown eyes and brown hair too. She has a long eyelash and big eyes. She is 1, 58meters tall and she has tanned skin.
Finally, she speak three lenguages: Spanish, Catalan and French, because she studied in a French school in Barcelona when she was a child. And she speaks English just a little bit, but she improves it every day.

Mainly, the pets are animals, but it can't any of these, because it must have a certain qualities. This animals must have a good character, for to live with the humans, and a physical it can adapt within a familiar dwelling.
About the dwelling, where the pets live whith the humans must be in good conditions respect the type of the pet: it will have a certain size, bacause the animal will can have the necessary movement, in the interior will it are a good sanitation and the necessary food for this pet.
Finally, we conclude that in the moment when the humans we dicide have pets, we must become responsibles of a some obligations, because it will live the best way possible oun next the humans.
dilluns, 27 de febrer del 2012
My house
My house have 3 bedrooms, 2 badrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 dinningroom, 1 terrace and finally one garege, where we save the motorbike and the tables and sails of surf and windfurf.
The other part of my house is the garden, where I stay more well, because there are one swimingpool with I swiming old the summer and some days of the winter.
In my house I stay very well, but I don't like the site, where it stay, bacause is too quiet and there aren't any shop.
One train clashes in Argentina

Was a disaster, because when it shock, two cars of the middle of the train was join and the people who stay in it was dead crushed, and most of the persons dead and only 5 not died.
In Argentina one day after many people leave to the street for manifested, because every month there are an accident with this, in this city, and the citiziens want wich are arranged old the trains of the stations of Argentina.
The ship Costa Concordia

The 4.200 persons who where in the ship, had evacuate it.
This cause had many curiosities:
1. The captain Francesco Schettino lied and said that continuing being in the ship, when it was sinking, but not was true, because he had been left of the ship, in the moment of the collision.
2. This cause coincides with the 100 years before, when the Titanic wrecked.
3. Finally, the ship collided because the captain approched the ship in the coast for greet a friend (Antonello Tievoli). This is a customary but in this moment the mareuver was more dangerous.
The child of "El Plomo"

When they found it, they hid this in a cave to 4.000 meters of heigh, and negotiate with the museum of natural history, where finally she stay.
The child weighed 35 kilos when she was discovered and she preserve as a living person.
Surely she was intoxicated with cocaine, because near the child found one bag with drug.
divendres, 24 de febrer del 2012
The food boy

But finally decided to continue with their normal life and give up their powers.
A formal letter

1th July 2006
The president of Spain
C/portal del solMadrid
Dear President,
I saw you last Friday, at the inaguration of the museum of Art in Barcelona, and there for and for your good presentation last day, I would to offer you a painting I made last year which I think could be in this museum.
In my opinion, this will be a good decision, because my painting has the same level of the other paintings in this museum, and it can give much money to the museum.
In my experience my paintings are very good and beautiful pieces of art and many artists say it.
I'd be interested to expose my paintings in the museum of art in Barcelona.
You'r faithfully
Paula Viñas Cano
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