dilluns, 19 de novembre del 2012

Nose cell transplant enables paralysed dogs to walk


Scientists have discobered a substance wich can remove the paralysis of the legs behind some animals. This medicine could try and operate in humans if improves.

This substance tested more than 34 dogs and more than half them worked and at the moment they haven't any palsy and make normal life with the other dogs.

This medicine injected by the nasal passages and can do with vaccines or transplants.

One person verified this is true because he have checked with his dog and it worked.

Personal opinion

In my view I think that this medicine can be a great discobery because in the future might work in humans and eliminate completely the disease of paralysis.

  • Whizzes: genis.
  • Bladder: bufeta.
  • Enabled: habilitat.

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