dimarts, 20 de novembre del 2012

My future hobby

I would like in a few years to devote myself to design showcases, because I really like the interior design of stores.

To achieve this I will study interior design in Barcelona probably. I decided to study in Barcelona because
design can only be studied there, and I also studied jewelry and can only be studied in Barcelona too.

In conclusion, I think I'll end doing it but maybe later I change this idea and I'll do something else. However I am pretty sure that I'll end up studying design and dedicating myself to the showcases of stores.

Christmas decoration

At Christmas normally the people who have home especially decorate the outside but also inside with colored Christmas lights (red, green, white, purple ...), Christmas items ...

What must be present in these homes is the Christmas tree, also decorated with tinsel and colored lights. This is mainly hes because the kings and Santa Claus put gifts under it.

This tradition of decorating homes at Christmas time is mostly in the United States, but In Spain too. Here also decorate the streets to remember that is Christmas.

This continues doing because people like it and if it had'll miss it.


California is a federal state of the United States situated on the southwest coast of the country. It has a population of 38 million inhabitants and occupies an area of 410.000 Km2. California has become the most populous state in the United States and the third most largest.

California's economy is among the top 10 economic powers in the world. In California are located some of the economic cities in the world, such as Los Angeles, the Central Valley, Silicon Valley and Napa Valley.
California has alpine mountains, coasts cloudy, hot deserts, and a fertile central valley.
The official language is English, spoken at home by 60.5% of California's population. The Spanish is the second language in number of speakers, with 35.8% of the population.

Finally, California has some wonderful beaches, where you can enjoy many sports, but mostly surf.

dilluns, 19 de novembre del 2012

High marks: Uni students turn to ADHD drugs


The students now has been tested that the most take drugs or energy drinks to do better the studies.

This mainly occurs in students who are working, because missing the free hours without sleep. This hurts a lot because may suffer anxiety or depression.

The estimates say there are just under half of the students in the U.S. that take something that gives us power to control and be able to continue their studies. However calculations are not completely checked.

Personal opinion

I think that the students take drugs or energy drinks because can not endure sleepless, and I also believe that there are such things as the research work that the only harm they do is study other subjects and will take time.

  • Fulltime: temps complet.
  • Cracking: esquerdament.
  • Lower: baixar.

American Music Awards


Last Sunday night in Los Angeles held the 40th annual American Music Awards Music. Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj and MC Hammer were among the stars performing.

The Canadian pop singer Carly Rae Jepsen was named artist of the year, beating boy band One Direction to pick up the award.

The night was very exciting and most of the artists sang their current songs.

Personal Opinion

In my view this awards are not fair because given it to the most listened singers and not really to worth it because make good music.

  • Awards: premis.
  • Highlights: reflexos.
  • Performing: realització de...

Nose cell transplant enables paralysed dogs to walk


Scientists have discobered a substance wich can remove the paralysis of the legs behind some animals. This medicine could try and operate in humans if improves.

This substance tested more than 34 dogs and more than half them worked and at the moment they haven't any palsy and make normal life with the other dogs.

This medicine injected by the nasal passages and can do with vaccines or transplants.

One person verified this is true because he have checked with his dog and it worked.

Personal opinion

In my view I think that this medicine can be a great discobery because in the future might work in humans and eliminate completely the disease of paralysis.

  • Whizzes: genis.
  • Bladder: bufeta.
  • Enabled: habilitat.

Can you shape your children's taste in music?


The parents normally try and want that their children hear their music or they like the same things that to them.

But no old the childrens likes the same things that they, and normally is the opositte because the children today no have the same tastes that their parents or their grandparents. They don't like it, and do everything possible for change her childrens.

For it the parents bring their children to play the piano, or put the music they love in the car... but normally it no change the situation.

Personal opinion

On the one hand I think that the childrens have their tastes and their parents haven't to change it, but on the other hand I understand that the parents have illusion because their children resemble they.

  • Fashionable: de moda.
  • Reefs: esculls.
  • Nonetheless: però. 

Tatton Park grows first crop of pineapples in a century


In 19 of November was born the first pineapple agter 1675 in Tatton Park.

This day the mayor of the city reproduced the same moment that in 1675 the king Charles II being given the first pineapple to be grown on English soil.

This pineapple has taken a century for growing, but from now believed that born more than 300 fruits of these from this year.

Personal opinion

In my view this money that used for to grow this pineapples is very and could be used for more important things and no for growing a fruit that found in other countries without spending so much money.

  • Gardener: jardiner.
  • Councillor: regidor.
  • Restored: restaurar.

Santa stuck by beard at Reading shopping centre


This news explains what happened on Saturday afternoon in Reading Shopping center, when a worker, that charge of distract customers disguised of Santa Claus, was hooked with the beard in the ceiling.

He was hanged 30 minutes until customers leave the shopping center, but people don't want to leave and they take it down. 

Santa Claus was controlled because were children watching him and he doesn't want to disappoint them. And finally there weren't injuries.

Personal opinion

I think that should have taken the people of the shop because could have injured , but also it was fun for the viewers.

I would have liked to see it.

  • beard: barba.
  • dangling: penjat.
  • ceiling: sostre.
news web

diumenge, 4 de novembre del 2012

"Time is your enemy, It will steal everything away from you"

There are too much opinions respect this topic. The time is a big enemy for many people, but good for other people too.

I think that this sentence it's false, because in my opinion it is the opposite of it. When leave the time you are more good person, and you can live more happily because you can remember your past and correct your past mistakes or repeat your past good moments and past adventures.

In my view  time doesn't steal your life or everything from you, because it gives you more good moments and you can learn and know more.

In conclusion, this sentence for me is incorrect and the opposite of true.