dissabte, 11 de maig del 2013

My English competence in 2013

My best oral evidence is the second, where I explains my research work.

I chosen these evidence because I think that in this presentation I use a large vocabulary and spoke quite well, without stoppages and answering well the questions from my colleagues.

I think I do well especially yoursays, because I speak about something that I like, or I'm interested and it costs less. So I believe that it would be better to do more yoursays and less news because people would do so with more enthusiasm.

My English progress from 2011-13

Comparing the first draft of the course, wich we sent to the teacher, and the last, that I have posted, there are improvement in: I use more connectors, I don't repeat many words and I use more variety of it.

And finally, regarding presentations, I believe that I speack with more fluency, and I have improved PowerPoint.

Comments on other blogs

1. http://thebaxilleratenglish-a.blogspot.com.es/2013/05/hospital-boss-knows-where-improvements.html?showComment=1368305879499#c9049743895980109322

2. http://english-bat-elia.blogspot.com.es/2013/05/the-perfect-bedroom.html?showComment=1368306387140#c5388378248220936058

3. http://yousmiletotheday.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/mother-bitten-on-bottom-by-spider-in.html?showComment=1368307078334#c691259598842191593

Off-road wheelchair offers freedom for disabled poor

Winter designed a wheelchair for por people with disabilities and can't afford to buy a chair of these.

This chair is designed for all terrains and have very cheap and common parts so that if one day breaks, these people don't have to spend much money and can easily find the parts and fix them selves, without the aid of a mecanic.

Winter is designing a chair as the LFC, but for people in developed countries, with more features and a higher Price tan 200$.

Finally, thanks to this protection organizations of people from in developing countries, can buy the LFC, for these people     who need it.

New words

Wheelchair: cadira de rodes.
Prosthetics: prótesis.
Engineering: enginyeria.


British Olympic sailor killed in capsize in San Francisco Bay

Andrew "Bart" Simpson, a british expert sailor, died on May 10 in San Francisco Bay during the training for the America's Cup.

He was the only one hurt in the boat. His colleagues say that when the catamarán capsized, they tried to  resucitate as quikly as posible Simpson, but the doctors of the salvation boat couldn't do it.

This boat is one of the most dangerous in the world, because is very light, big and can go at high speed. For it the boaters need to carry more protective elements tan other boats.

Bart won a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008, and a silver medal at the last year Olympic Games.

Finally, we can say that many people are affected by his death, because he had many followers worldwide and he have a family that can't believe that Bart is dead.

New words

Medalist: medallista.
Concern: preocupació.
Silver: plata.

Banksy Slave Labour mural up for auction again

The mural called "Slave Labor" of Banksy, who was on a Wall of a London Street, the city where the artista painted, now be auctioned in Miami with other Works of: Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol, Mario Testino and Rusell Young.

This painting has already been auctioned before, but after people complained, returned to its original site.

Now also have recived many complaints, but surely this time if to be auctioned.

To finish, I believe that this mural not be auctioned, because isn't a private painting but is a painting published, because is located on a Street in the city of London and belongs to this city and its population.

New words

Auctioners: subastadors.
Restored: restaurat.
Expected: esperat.

The man who makes his living whittling wooden spoons

Barnaby Carder is a special person of London, that was apprenticed of a wooden furniture manufacturated.

He is dedicated to manufacturing spoons. He started to do this iin the Woods for 3 years, and when he had enough money he opened a store in Hackney.

Carder spends all day building spoons in front of the showcase of his shop. People who walk by the Street would like to see how it does, and if they like it, enter in the store and buy a spoon that cost between 12-15 $.

Finally, people sometimes think that he is crazy, because he is all day building spoons, but I think that any person when love to much do something he would want to spend all day making it and enjoy.

New words

Aprenticed: aprenent.
Timber: fusta.
Furniture: mobles.