divendres, 25 de maig del 2012

The platypus

The platypus measures 22 inches in length, and weighs just over 4 Kg. The length, from tip of bill to end of tail, of specimens collected by Dr. George Bennett, was 20 inches. Fur color varies, the fur darkens with age.

The make-up of the platypus is peculiar in many ways. The front portion of the upper mandible is soft, while the covering of the horny structure is very soft and of a rubbery texture. The platypus has tiny teeth at the back portion of the jaws.

Its webbed feet are furnished with claws, but only the front ones are used in burrowing. The claws of the hind-feet serve as a comb in fur grooming. The platypus, being a particularly clean little creature, spends much time over its toilet. Before retiring to its sleeping quarters, a duck-bill in a platypussary will comb most of the water from its fur. A ball and socket like hip joint enables it to reach any portion of the body with either hind foot; thus the middle of the back is groomed as easily as is the breast.

The male platypus has two sharp spurs inside the heels of the hind feet. They are hollow, not unlike the fangs of some snakes, and are connected to poison glands. It is difficult to judge the actual potency of platypus venom. There are cases on record where the effects have been trifling; while in other cases great pain and alarming swellings have resulted. The varying quantity of poison injected is probably the reason for such symptoms.

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