dilluns, 28 de maig del 2012


-Hi Kate, how are you?
For how long have you been here?

-hello, Ashley
I’m fine, and you?
Yes, because my mum bring me soon, she have to go to work.

- I ‘m tired, this morning I went to run with my brother. Coming to get into line for catch the ticket of the film.

- what film go we to see?

- I want to see Sherlock Holmes, I like the mystery films. Want you to go see this movie?

- It’s great! I love the stories of Sherlock Holmes. I read all the novels of his.

- The other day I went to the cinema with my little brother and we went to see “home alone”. I though that this film will be bored but I laughed so much.

- oh, yes!!! I saw this film, It is very funny. The final this film reproduced a beautiful song of the new pop group.

-I didn’t notice in this song, went I return to see the film Iwill listen it. Sure that the song is beatifull, because I like the same music that you.

-Kate.. to look that is Daniel

Hi Daniel

- Hi Daniel

- Hello girls!!!

- What are you doing here?

- I going to my aunt's house.

- Ohh.. Today  you stay with family!!!

- Mmm... more or less. I need some money because I go to camping the next weekend with my friends, and my aunt said me, I will care for my little cousin this night.
Well... and what are they doing here?

- Ashley and I have come to the cinema to watch a movie.

- Which movie will you watch?

- We will like to watch  Sherlock Holmes.

-Ohh... I liked very much this movie.

-  At the moment I can’t see this movie because I goes to my aunts house, but we can meet other day for see another film!

-OOOOh  okey I like this poposition!

-yess , I like too.

-What time is it?

-Mmmm I don’t have a watch, Asley you have watch?

-Yes Yes, the nine o ‘clock!

-Shitttt ! It’s too late ! I will arrive late to my aunt’s house ! Ohhh my god, she killes me !

- By girls ! I will telephone you tomorrow ! Byeeee !

-Bye Dani !

-Bye Daniel ! meets tomorrow !

-Uaaa ! I have enter in the cinema !

-Ohhh yes I have enter too !


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